Introduction to Azoya

Introduction to Azoya

Azoya is a borderless e-tailing group that helps global retailers and brands enter the China market through cross-border e-commerce.

The Azoya Master solution is a comprehensive, multi-channel solution that enables Azoya to build brands across multiple platforms, including official brand websites, WeChat mini-programs, and e-commerce platforms such as Tmal Global, JD Worldwide, Netease Kaola, and Xiaohongshu. 

The Azoya Commerce solution is a customizable solution that can be adapted to the needs of different brands and retailers, as our clients sometimes choose to test the waters with one or two platforms first before expanding to other channels. 

Lastly, our Consulting services are designed to help clients better understand the China market and competitive landscape. We can provide market research, competitive analysis, and a roadmap for those who are interested in China but not yet committed to spending a large sum of money on market entry. 

Please download the attached PDF to learn more about Azoya, our services, and case study examples of clients we've worked with. 
