Orias Online Retail Industry Awards
StarTrack Online Retail Industry Awards are your opportunity to be recognised as a leader in the country, to showcase the great work you and your team have achieved this year and to celebrate your successes within the industry – let’s face it, Online Retailers know how to party and this is an event that does it better than any other!
The 7 finalists to each category of the StarTrack Online Retail Industry Awards will be announced at a private event on June 14 2017 at The Ivy Sunroom, Sydney. This invite-only event is open to all those businesses that have submitted an entry.
Winners to the StarTrack ORIAs will be announced at on Thursday 27 July 2017, when nearly 800 retail professionals will gather in the Grand Ballroom of the new International Convention Centre in Sydney to celebrate the best retailers in the country.
For one night, in one place, the best multi-channel and online retailers in Australia come together under one roof - trust us, you don’t want to miss it!
We are proud to tell you that Amcal has been nominated for the retail industry awards.
Join us for this event, stay tuned and good luck.
Sylvia Wei
Azoya Australia Team