Pharmacy Online薬局

Pharmacy Online薬局

Launched in 1998 as the first online pharmacy in Australia, Pharmacy Online is also a pioneer in the China market. Expanding to a new market has always been a great opportunity to grow sales and promote brand awareness. However, it’s never been an easy task to expand to a completely new market like China, given the complexity of market and policy environment.

By the end of May, 2016, Pharmacy Online’ Chinese site has grown its monthly GMV by 10 times based on its launch in February 2015. As a first-mover in the China market, Pharmacy Online’s growth is significant.

There are barriers to for those pharmacies that have big dreams about China. You need a sound a proven entry strategy, you need to get around with policies and ‘network’, and you will still be facing fierce competition from other Aussie suppliers. Azoya offers turnkey solutions to deal with brand building, mobile commerce and customer education.

The yield was remarkable. Pharmacy Online had increased their sales in China and created a high level of loyalty.

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